For A Tour of the AC-1 Transatlantic Submarine Cable Lance Wakeling visited the four landing points of a telecommunications cable known as Atlantic Crossing 1, which passes through Fire Island, New York, Sennen Cove, England, Castricum, the Netherlands, and Sylt, Germany. All the materials from the performance, which include appropriated and original content, are stored on a 500-gigabyte hard drive. The 35-minute video is a fictionalized account of the performance that takes the form of a travelog. The slide show displays supplementary images from the hard drive, which relate to representations of the global.

Lance Wakeling (Born 1980, lives and works in Brooklyn, NY) Recent exhibitions and screenings include Flow (screening), Future Gallery, Berlin; The Greater Cloud, NIMK, Amsterdam; Non-Stop Infinity, Future Gallery, Berlin, and Peer to Space, Munich; Keep Floors and Passages Clear, White Columns, New York; and An Excerpt from my Novel Screenburn, From 2008–2010 Wakeling organised Private Circulation A monthly PDF bulletin distributed via e-mail. Issues featured proposals, unrealized art projects, brief histories, photo collections, large posters, and essays.